Joining forces for limitless communications: SCAN Antenna A/S acquires Lambda Antenas S.L. to complete its portfolio of communication products and services.
SCAN Antenna A/S acquires Lambda Antenas S.L.
We are proud to announce that we have just completed the acquisition of Lambda Antenas S.L, a leading Spanish antenna and passive component manufacturer with headquarters in Madrid, Spain. The objective of this is to capitalize synergies through our combined product and service portfolio globally. The deal will take effect immediately as specified in the agreement signed by SCAN’s CEO Ole Pflug and Lambda’s former Vice President and owner José Marı́a Sopeña.
Both Lambda and SCAN brands will continue but close cooperation will be effective immediately both in sales and operations. Our CEO Ole Pflug and newly appointed Lambda CEO stated today: “I am very excited with this new direction the companies are taking with this strategic and forward thinking decision. Lambda and SCAN complement each other really well and this union will inevitably imply growth and enhanced market positioning thanks to our expanded portfolio and scope”.